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ADS, as a way to continuously assess progress, implementation and expansion:  

  • Weekly coordination meetings between Director, Project Manager/Coordinator, Finance  Manager, and Production Team, will include space for evaluation of ongoing activity  implementation, needs assessment, in order to adapt to needs unforeseen. This will also  include review of activity reports by employees and evaluation of performance where  needed (i.e. when number of overtime reported hours is excessive, when workload is  excessive, etc.).  
  • Weekly editorial meetings will coordinate upcoming editorial content and to allocate  editorial work. 
  • Daily editorial meetings will take place to coordinate editorial work and to set immediate  priorities of editorial staff. 
  • Monthly financial meetings will be held between Director, Finance Manager and Project  Manager/Coordinator to make sure that all transactions are being made in line with the  financial regulations.  


The Code of Ethics contains the basic standards and principles of ADS, which must be adhered to  by all employees (Personnel), the Executive Director and the Board. 

The basic principles of ADS are: 

  • Integrity – Includes qualities such as honesty, impartiality, refusal of corruption, and  respect for the human value of all individuals. 
  • Equal Opportunities and Non-Discrimination – ADS has embraced the principle of equal  opportunities. The organization manages the staff, employs, treats and promotes  individuals regardless of race, color, religion, age, nationality, limitations (special neeeds),  sexual orientation, and every other category specified by Labor Law, Law on Gender  Equality and other applicable laws. Therefore, no direct or indirect discrimination is  allowed based on race, color, gender, language, religion, political or other opinion,  national or social origin, connection to any community, property, economic status, social  affiliation, sexual orientation, birth, disability or any other personal status. 
  • Responsibility – The employees of ADS are obliged to report, explain and respond to the  consequences of their decisions, actions and lack of actions. 
  • Impartiality and professional independence – The employees of ADS are not allowed to  be biased, which means to have a predisposition in favor of a certain outcome when  assessing a situation, resulting in an unjustified harm to the organization’s interest or to  the right of other stakeholders.
  • Confidentiality 

All employees should keep confidential information and take care that this information is  not disclosed either within or outside the organization. Confidential information are  information which are not public. This includes all information which the project specifies  as confidential or verbally specifies as confidential. Therefore, all employees of ADS  should take care not to disclose or publish confidential information.  

  • Avoiding Conflict of Interest – Employees of ADS They should not allow their private  interests to contradict their position in the organization, to avoid carrying out private  duties that conflict with their position and that may create conflict of interest.  
  • Copyrights – ADS has all rights over all materials, including texts, photography, video and  music, conducted during employment at ADS. Such material is the property of ADS, and  cannot be use for other purposes.  

2 Rules of Conduct in ADS 

  1. The employees of ADS in their work are guided by the principle of professional  independence, personal integrity, accountability and honesty.  
  2. The employees of ADS must perform their duties fairly and efficiently.  
  3. The employees of ADS should use the financial means of the organization fairly and not  misuse them.  
  4. The employees of ADS should in no way misuse their official position for their own  personal interest or other interests.  
  5. The employees of ADS during the exercise of their official duty should establish and  maintain the trust of the organization where they work and of those whom they serve.  
  6. The employees of ADS exercise their duties professionally, responsibly and  independently, without external influence.  
  7. The employees of ADS must fulfill their duties in a transparent and professional manner. 

3 Protective measures 

  • If the employee considers that s/he is required to act in violation of the law, the internal  policies of the organization resulting in a violation of the Code of Conduct, such violations  shall be presented to the Human Resources representative or the Executive Director or the Board.  

4 The behavior of employees in ADS towards other parties 

In the exercise of their duty, employees must:  

  • behave professionally and respect the principle of equality, by giving up any  discriminatory behavior against citizens or other parties; 
  • They act in a contained manner towards other parties, as well as with special care towards  the elderly and the disabled; 
  • Presented correctly and responsibly in direct communication with citizens or through  other forms of communication.  

5 The behavior of employees in ADS 

  • Employees in ADS during the exercise of their duties should behave politely, regardless of  nationality, religious, political, gender, health and family status.  
  • Employees in ADS should respect each other’s work and cooperate in order to increase  efficiency and quality at work.  
  • Employees in ADS should be careful not to hinder other employees in performing their  regular job duties.  
  • The critique towards colleagues at work should be responsible and professional.  
  • The relationship between colleagues in ADS is based on mutual respect, as well as in  respecting the dignity and personality of each and everyone.  

6 The behavior of employees in ADS towards media 

  • Employees in ADS should not disclose information about their work without proper  authorization.  
  • Employees in ADS are not allowed to disclose secret information about their work.  Employees in ADS in making public statements are by no means allowed to provide  inaccurate information and personal opinions about the organization.  
  1. Prevention of Conflict of Interest 
  • Employees in ADS during the exercise of their duties and responsibilities should act in 


defense of the interest of the organization and are not allowed to put their private  interest in the interest of the organization and the public.  

  • Employees in ADS exercise their function in accordance with the organization’s policies  and regulations, the Labor Law and other applicable laws in Kosovo, including the relevant  Criminal Code of the Republic of Kosovo. 
  • When performing their duties when they are aware of the existence of a conflict of  interest, employees in ADS are obliged to: 
  1. identify if there is a potential conflict of interest; 
  2. take the necessary steps to avoid the conflict of interest itself.  
  • If the employee is not sure about the existence or not of a conflict of interest concerning  her/him, s/he must notify and consult as soon as possible with the unit manager, the HR  representative or the governing body.  
  1. Avoiding Conflict of Interest 
  • Based on available data, the unit manager should undertake the necessary measures in  order to avoid the appointment or selection of a person on positions that may produce  or represent conflict of interest.  
  • Employees in ADS cannot be charged with duties that may lead to the appearance of  conflict of interest.  
  1. Employee engagement outside the organization 
  • Outside activities of the employee in ADS include any regular or occasional paid or unpaid  engagement outside the organization.  
  • Employees in ADS should not engage in any outside activity that hinders the performance  of their official duty and undermines in any way the achievement of the organization’s  objectives.  
  • In case of an outside engagement, employees in ADS should inform the unit manager and  HR representative.  
  • The involvement of the employee of ADS in teaching, research and training activities is  permissible when this does not obstruct the performance of duties and is not in conflict  with the nature of the work. 
  • ADS employees are permitted to join a trade union or employee representation 


  1. Presents 
  • Employees in ADS cannot accept monetary gifts or other favors for themselves or for  members of their family related to the exercise of official duties. Any received gift must  be submitted to the Executive Director and registered by the respective official in charge  of registering gifts.  
  1. Responding to offers 

If an employee is offered an unfair advantage, s/he should: 

  • refuse, with no need to accept it and use it as evidence; 
  • try to identify the person who makes the offer; 
  • report this, as soon as possible, to the unit manager or the HR office. 
  1. Other obligations of the employees in ADS 
  • Employees in ADS are not allowed to use the official duty to incite or force another person  to make any financial gain or any other kind of personal benefit.  
  • Every employee in ADS is obliged to respect the working hours, not to work and not leave  the work without notifying the unit manager. 
  • All equipment that is owned by the organization must be handled with care, maintained  and not harmed due to negligence, and used solely for official purposes. 
  1. Consent and signature  

Every employee in ADS is obliged to read, understand and sign the Code of Ethics of ADS and  submit the original form to the Human Resources Office. 

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